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Single Parent Dating in UK: Finding Love with eharmony

by eharmony Editorial Team December 8, 2024

Single parent dating can sometimes feel like a minefield. Not only are there the worries that come with any new relationship – does she like me back, is he on the same page as I am about our relationship – there are those precious little souls to consider, too. Even if you don’t have kids yourself, the odds are that you’ll run into a single parent at least once in your dating journey. In this article, we’ll talk about dating for single parents, and offer you some single parent dating rules.

Table of Contents

  1. When should you start dating again as a single parent?
  2. Things to consider while dating as a single parent
  3. Dating Other Single Parents
  4. Jenny and Chris’ single parent dating success story
  5. Your step by step guide for dating as single parent with eharmony

When should you start dating again as a single parent?

The timing of starting a new relationship varies based on individual factors such as personality, personal history, and the presence of children. A person with an amicable breakup may have a different timeline than someone experiencing a hard divorce, and both differ significantly from the journey of someone who has lost a spouse. The key is to assess one’s own circumstances thoughtfully, recognizing the unique dynamics of each situation before embarking on a new relationship.

Regardless of how your last relationship failed, it’s important to be thoughtful about any future forays into looking for love. Give yourself time – a year is a good option – before you start dating again. Not only will this help your children adjust, taking the time to be single lets you find out who you are and what you want outside of a relationship – both key factors in successful single parent dating!

Things to consider while dating as a single parent

While dating with kids can be very rewarding, it’s important to also keep in mind the challenges of single parent dating.

You might feel guilty about moving on too fast

The idea of finding love again can come with a lot of emotional weight. You might also worry about the effect of single parent dating on your children. While some guilt is to be expected, it’s important not to let it take over your life.

You might struggle to find enough time

Anyone who’s been there knows that the single parenting life is not easy. Adding dating is one more ball to all the ones you’re already juggling. It’s important to find a partner who understands this aspect of your life.

Your kids might not cope well

Give them grace; it’s a big change for a little one, no matter their ages. Take things slow and give your kids time to adjust to this new stage of their lives.

Dating Other Single Parents

Navigating a relationship with another single parent has its advantages and disadvantages.

The positive aspect of dating another single dad or a single mom is the shared understanding and empathy. You don’t have to explain certain aspects, as they comprehend challenges unique to parenthood. Mutual experiences create a sense of grace and understanding, fostering a connection that may be challenging to establish with someone without children. This shared background allows for greater empathy in navigating the complexities of balancing work, parenting, and a dating life.

While dating between two single parents has its merits, it’s not without challenges. Managing two sets of kid commitments and handling interactions with ex-partners adds complexity. Differing expectations, parenting styles, and the potential resistance from children who may not welcome sharing their parent further contribute to the intricacies. Additionally, the awareness that each person’s children rightfully take precedence can pose long-term challenges for the relationship.

It’s possible, as a single parent, to date another single parent, but it takes patience and a willingness to follow the single parent dating rules – take your time, communicate, and have good boundaries.

Tips for Single Parents Returning to the Dating Realm

Navigate with finesse as you step back into the romantic arena with these insightful single parent dating tips.

Identify your dating purpose

One of eharmony’s relationship experts, Laurel House, explains:

People date for 3 purposes: Fun, Exploration/Expansion, and [to find a] Committed Relationship. What’s your purpose? Make sure that your purpose and your style of dating align. Your life, your purpose, and possibly your identity may have shifted since becoming a parent. You might be in a place where you just want to have fun again and not feel like a parent all the time. Or maybe you are exploring this new identity and are exploring what type of partner is best for you within this new expanded identity. Or maybe you are truly in a place where you are ready to be in a relationship again. No matter which purpose you are pursuing now, get clarity on your priorities in order to show up confidently, then communicate openly with your date about what you’re looking for now.

Laurel House
eharmony Relationship Expert

Unpack your suitcases

Any relationship comes with baggage. It’s important to make sure you’re clear on what went wrong, how it affected you, and what you learned from it before you start a new relationship. Otherwise, you risk making the same mistakes you did previously.

Be upfront

There’s nothing to be gained by hiding the fact that you’re a single parent who’s dating. While you don’t want to give too many details – sadly, there are people who date single parents for access to their children – any partner worth having will respect and even appreciate the fact that you’re a parent.

Make time for self-care

As a single parent, you likely have too many things to do and too little time to do it in. Which is why it’s even more important to prioritize self-care when you’re in a relationship – after all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Go slow

This applies to any kind of relationship, but especially when you’re dating as a single parent. Take your time getting to know your date and make sure you’re both on the same page when it comes to your expectations, your parenting styles, and the future of your relationship.

Be flexible

The one constant thing about being a parent is that things change. Working around your kids’ schedules means being creative about spending time together – breakfast dates, running errands together, perhaps even family dates.

Let your kids go at their own pace

One of the worst things you can do when dating as a single mom or dad is to try and force a relationship between your partner and your kids. Encourage them to spend time together, and step in if things are bad, but on the whole, it’s best to let kids decide what kind of relationship they want.

Jenny and Chris’ single parent dating success story

Concerned that being a single parent might hinder your chances of finding love? So was Jen. After the end of her twelve-year relationship, she turned to eharmony in search of someone special. Jen emphasizes the importance of recognizing that “deserving happiness is a significant first step” towards rediscovering love.

Dating as a single mom, it was crucial for Jen to find a partner comfortable with her prioritizing her children. In 2013, she connected with Chris, who also had a daughter. Their connection was immediate, initiated by an icebreaker from Jen, and they spent countless hours getting to know each other through eharmony’s messaging service. Discovering numerous commonalities and shared values, they both felt a sense of excitement.

Jen described meeting Chris as a reawakening, and Chris, too, sensed something extraordinary from their very first phone call, experiencing “goosebumps.” After a year of dating, they tied the knot in 2014 and welcomed a baby girl a year later.

“We were married a year after matching on eharmony and our daughter was born in 2015”

Jenny & Chris

Your step by step guide for dating as single parent with eharmony

At eharmony, we understand that as a single parent, your time is limited. Which is why we do things different than other dating sites for single parents. 

1. Discover the real you

eharmony is not just another single parents dating service – we believe love happens when you find someone who just gets you. That’s why everyone starts with our Compatibility Quiz. Your answers help us find singles you’re most likely to hit it off with.

example eharmony compatibility quiz
Example set up of a single parent dating profile

2. Complete your profile

The key to successful online dating for single parents starts with your profile. We make this process as enjoyable as possible by having richly detailed profiles that are easy to digest. That’s why eharmony is the dating app with the highest-rated user profiles1.

3. Explore compatible singles

In your Discover list, you’ll find every eharmony member who fits your search criteria. Each member you see will display a Compatibility Score based on how likely you are to hit it off. You can filter who you see based on traits you share (e.g. distance, education, age, wants to have kids etc.) – and you’ll also see what you have in common with each member.

Example single parent profiles on eharmony
Example of a first message on eharmony

4. It starts with a Like

Not sure how to get the conversation started? We’ve made it easy: if something on a member’s profile catches your eye, just hit Like. You then have the option to add a personalized message. You can hit Like on answers to profile questions, their hobbies or your similarities.

5. Two Likes make a Match

Once you get a Like back, it’s a Match. Congratulations! You can now swap messages and send Icebreakers or react with a Smile to get to know each other better.

Example of two single parents match on eharmony

Because we believe love happens when two people connect based on what really matters. If you’re ready to find out, sign up today.

Single parent dating doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think

Navigating romance with kids can be challenging, requiring resilience and adaptability. You may encounter a few bumps before discovering your ideal match. eharmony is an excellent choice for those seeking a serious relationship without the time or patience for conventional dating. Join now to embark on the journey towards genuine love.

How Single parent dating

with eharmony works

Your search for a great relationship has never been easier with groundbreaking overhaul of the eharmony you know and trust.

  1. Based on a 2023 survey of 2,807 respondents from the US, UK, Canada and Australia

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